Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People
by Eberhard Arnold,Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Joan Chittister,Dorothy Day,Fyodor Dostoyevsky,Richard J. Foster,Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove,David Janzen,Søren Kierkegaard,C. S. Lewis,Chiara Lubich,Thomas Merton,Henri J. M. Nouwen,John M. Perkins,Eugene H. Peterson,Christine D. Pohl,Howard A. Snyder,Mother Teresa,Jean Vanier,Saint Benedict,Charles E. Moore
Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People
by Eberhard Arnold,Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Joan Chittister,Dorothy Day,Fyodor Dostoyevsky,Richard J. Foster,Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove,David Janzen,Søren Kierkegaard,C. S. Lewis,Chiara Lubich,Thomas Merton,Henri J. M. Nouwen,John M. Perkins,Eugene H. Peterson,Christine D. Pohl,Howard A. Snyder,Mother Teresa,Jean Vanier,Saint Benedict,Charles E. Moore
ISBN 13: 9780874867435
Format: Paperback
(378 pages)
Publisher: Plough Publishing House
Published: 26 May 2016
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